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Giving new opportunities to learn, grow and achieve your goals

Bright Future HCS provides people with intellectual disabilities a stable home environment. We work to identify the unique needs of each individual we serve and create a residential support model that best suits their situation.

We provide:

  • Room and board
  • Respite care
  • Daily support services
  • Transportation
  • Attendance at ongoing training classes and meetings
  • 24-hour support in family homes
  • Independent living skill development
  • Opportunities to participate in community activities and Day Programs
  • Advocacy services
  • Family involvement and support
  • Medication management
  • Quality assurance

With these, our residents can participate to the best of their abilities in everyday activities of home and family life. They can develop new skills, discover new friends, and explore their community–all while receiving round-the-clock guidance from our expert team.

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We help our members be in their best health and condition. Contact us today to get more information on the services we provide.